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   Net Guide : Job Search Tools - Become a My Monster Member and take more control of your job search and career today! Create Your FREE Account Now!

Employers Online Regional Job Center - Employment website for professionals. Employers and Recruiters post jobs in our nationwide career database. Job seekers post your resumes in our confidential database for our registered members to view.

Career Resource Center - check out the Career Resource Center for links to many different career-related websites. - For the best jobs in Colorado, join us on the Colorado Online Job Connection @

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Alumni Network - jobs for internet professionals, consultants & developers.

Career Network Associates - Post-baccalaureate Programs - Licensure & Certification - Networks for Consultants

Jobs4Wireless - Connects job seekers and employers in the wireless industry.

The Job Resource - mission is to match employers with the most qualified college graduates and to help students obtain interviews, internships, and full time jobs.

Recommended Books:
How to Be a Star at Work : 9 Breakthrough Strategies You Need to Succeed
Majoring in the Rest of Your Life : Career Secrets for College Students
College Grad Job Hunter
6 Weeks or Less: The Job You Really Want, Guaranteed
The Best Jobs for the 21st Century
Dynamite Salary Negotiations : Know What You're Worth and Get It!
Job Searching Online for Dummies
Occupational Outlook Handbook 1998-99
Student's Guide to On-Campus Job Recruiting

America's Top Internships
The Internship Bible

Internet Resumes : Take the Net to Your Next Job!
The $100,000 Resume
100 Best Resumes for Today's Hottest Jobs
Dynamic Cover Letters for New Graduates
Resumes for Dummies
Resumes for College Students and Recent Graduates
Power Resumes
High Impact Resumes and Letters

Power Interviews : Job-Winning Tactics from Fortune 500 Recruiters
10 Minute Guide to Job Interviews
101 Dynamite Answers to Interview Questions : Sell Your Strengths!
The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Perfect Interview


Online Graduate Degree Programs - see this page for a list of schools offering graduate degree programs online. - Try this excellent site which provides Instant Student Loan Comparisons - Free! It is user friendly and features great advice and tips. Plus you can APPLY ONLINE with major lenders.

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