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   Net Guide : Financial Aid Resources

FastWeb - Need money for college? Use FastWeb's free scholarship search to find information on more than 600,000 scholarships! - Try this excellent site which provides Instant Student Loan Comparisons - Free! It is user friendly and features great advice and tips. Plus you can APPLY ONLINE with major lenders. - providing US & international students with customized scholarship info! - Borrow 100% of the cost of your child's college education! - Cut your monthly student loan payment by up to 60%

FASTaid Free Scholarship Search - free online access to CEE's scholarship database and comprehensive guide to financial aid and scholarship acquisition. From Dan Cassidy, author of "The Scholarship Book", a #1 best seller of Prentice Hall.

Fresch! - The Free Scholarship Search Service

FAFSA Express - Information on submitting your 'Free Application for Federal Student Aid' online. U.S. Dept. of ED.

College Scholarships, Loans and Government Grants, Co. - Company that offers college and government loans, scholarships and grants in resources that are guaranteed to produce free money results.

College Funds Online - scholarship search services.

Recommended Books:
The Scholarship Advisor : More Than 500,000 Scholarships Worth 1.5 Billion Dollars
College Financial Aid for Dummies
Paying for College Without Going Broke
Peterson's Scholarship Almanac 1999 : A Compact Guide to Financial Aid
Peterson's 1999 Scholarships, Grants & Prizes (3rd Edition. Includes Cd-Rom)
Peterson's 1999 Scholarships for Study in the USA & Canada
The A's and B's of Academic Scholarships
College Scholarships and Financial Aid : With Arco's Scholarship Search Software
America's Best College Scholarships 1998-1999

Student Loans
Take Control of Your Student Loans

Athletic Scholarships : A Complete Guide

Financial Aid for Veterans, Military Personnel and Their Dependents
Financial Aid for African Americans
Financial Aid for Asian Americans
Financial Aid for Hispanic Americans
Financial Aid for Native Americans
Financial Aid for the Disabled and Their Families

Online Graduate Degree Programs - see this page for a list of schools offering graduate degree programs online. - Try this excellent site which provides Instant Student Loan Comparisons - Free! It is user friendly and features great advice and tips. Plus you can APPLY ONLINE with major lenders.

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